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Collab Lab Sprints

Looking for a quick way to put ideas raised at a Collab Lab into practice?  

This year we’re offering Collab Lab Sprints– mini projects, with a very narrow focus connected to each month’s Collab Lab topic. Sprints offer a simple way to try something new, with time to plan and reflect built into the process, and support from peers and Learn Deep along the way.

Your plate is already full. Think of a Sprint as sharing a thin slice of dessert with your friends. Get a taste of what you’ve been hoping to try, and that bit of comfort that comes from joining with others to move education a little closer to where you want it to be.

So here are the facts:

  • Just 4 weeks, only 2 weeks of actual experiment with your students.
  • Follows the Collab Lab topics of this season. (join the in-person event and you’ll get lots of useful ideas and perspectives).
  • We’ll provide you with a light structure and templates to work with as you put things together and evaluate how (well) things went.
  • You’ll be part of a cohort of teachers so you can share with and learn from each other.
  • We’ll have check in zoom calls once a week on Mondays immediately after school and various little coaching activities to keep you excited.
  • In between check ins, we encourage you to connect and discuss with your fellow Sprint cohort members in the inspirEd Space.
  • Finally, we promise, your students won’t get hurt, in fact they may love you (more).


Our next Sprint (Place Based Engagement) kicks of on November 4th.  Sign up now in inspirEd.

2024-25 Collab Labs

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