
Dream Big

What’s your moonshot?

What’s the big thing you’d like your students to accomplish– not this year, probably not the next, but what you and they might work up to over the next five years or so?

Coming off the pandemic has been tough, for students and teachers. Next year could be more of the same. Or it could be a chance to work towards something you are passionate about. How much more energy would you have if next year was the first leg of your moonshot.

During the week of June 17th we’ll offer a workshop to help you and your like minded compatriots craft that big vision you want to work towards. You’ll identify what needs to happen to get there, the partners you’ll need along the way, and the first steps to take to start moving.

That same week you’ll also be able to participate in any of several sessions where we will explore moonshot visions for:

  • How we might engage students to take on big challenges related to water, sustainability, and the environment?
  • What would we want students, parents, and teachers to experience to heal the anxiety too many of them have around math?
  • How can we equip students to take on challenges related to the built environment and advocate for the changes they would like to see in their schools, neighborhoods, and cities?
  • What student led enterprises could leverage the assets of a school to offer rich learning experiences and create new opportunities to engage with the community?
  • How can we foster brave conversations, build trust, and elevate student voices to drive the changes that allow students and teachers to feel safe, affirmed, and masterful at school.

Where there is interest and energy, we’ll reconvene for project design workshops the weeks of July 29th and August 5th. You’ll come out of those sessions with a solid plan for the 2024-25 school year that moves your big vision one step closer.

We have a short survey to capture interest. Please take a minute to share your thoughts. You can find that here.

2024-25 Collab Labs

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