Collab Lab 45: The student experience on real world projects
WE Energies STEM Center at MSOE 1444 North Water Street, Milwaukee, WI, United StatesWhat do we want students to get out of real world projects? Engaging students in real world projects creates opportunities to connect with students' passions, build connections to the broader community, and for students to see that they can have
Collab Lab 46: Connecting Projects Across Grade Levels
WE Energies STEM Center at MSOE 1444 North Water Street, Milwaukee, WI, United StatesWhat if students collaborated across grade levels to take on a real world challenge? In the real world, major projects require the collaboration of multiple teams across a rage of disciplines and depend on the ability of individuals with varied
Collab Lab 47: The Fellows Experience – What We’ve Learned
WE Energies STEM Center at MSOE 1444 North Water Street, Milwaukee, WI, United StatesThe first year of our Fellows Program is wrapping up. What have we learned along the way? Focus As we near the end of the first year of our Fellows Program, it's time to reflect on what we've learned so
Collab Lab 48: Fellows Celebration!
WE Energies STEM Center at MSOE 1444 North Water Street, Milwaukee, WI, United StatesWhat opportunities are created for students when teachers from different schools and different districts come together with more than 40 community partners to design, implement and support community-engaged, real world projects that run within the school day? The first year
Collab Lab 49: The Role(s) of Mentors
WE Energies STEM Center at MSOE 1444 North Water Street, Milwaukee, WI, United StatesWhat becomes possible when students can see a bit of themselves in someone else? The point of community-engaged learning isn't simply to connect students and teachers to expertise. It's an opportunity for students to find inspiration in the path someone
CL49 Debrief: What Comes Next?
Zoom Meeting , United StatesWhat can we take from our discussion about the roles of mentors at Collab Lab 49 that we want to act on? Our discussion at Collab Lab 49 brought out both a lot of passion about the value successful mentor/mentee
Collab Lab 50: Community Engaged Science
WE Energies STEM Center at MSOE 1444 North Water Street, Milwaukee, WI, United StatesWhat new possibilities do students see when their work supports a broader effort? Where are there opportunities to connect the work of students to support community engaged science efforts in Milwaukee? How might this broaden students' perspectives on who does
Collab Lab 51: Student Driven Issues
WE Energies STEM Center at MSOE 1444 North Water Street, Milwaukee, WI, United StatesWhat if we let students drive the issues that are the focus of their work? Any issue of significance provides a rich opportunity for interdisciplinary exploration. If the issues students care about are the focus of student work, how might
Collab Lab 52: Infusing the Arts
WE Energies STEM Center at MSOE 1444 North Water Street, Milwaukee, WI, United StatesCalling it STEAM is selling it short. Going from STEM to STEAM just adds another silo to the acronym. Agree? What if we recognized the arts not as simply another discipline students deserve to be exposed to? What if we
Collab Lab 53: Sharing Student Work & Stories – NEW DATE
WE Energies STEM Center at MSOE 1444 North Water Street, Milwaukee, WI, United StatesGiven the winter storm warnings for Thursday March 9th, we have rescheduled the session, and will look forward to seeing you on Thursday March 16th. What if students could see their work and stories impact the community? A real audience